



ツアー概要: オークランドベイブリッジを通ってシエラネバダ山脈へと向かいます。アルタモント・パス・ウィンドファームを眺め、「北アメリカのフルーツバスケット」セントラルバレーをドライブし、ゴールドカントリー、ドンペドロ湖またはマリポサを通ってヨセミテ渓谷へと向かいます。ご希望に応じて、トゥオルミまたはジャイアントセコイアが並ぶマーセドグローブのウォーキングツアーに参加いただけます。
ツアー内容: 日帰りのヨセミテ・アドベンチャーは、必見の一生に一度の体験です!このプライベートツアーでは、広々とした快適な高級4x4 車、または小グループに最適な高級バンで移動するので、最大限にお楽しみいただけます。専属のツアーガイド/ドライバーが、このユニークなアドベンチャーの間中、細部にわたり気を配ります。高級車によるプライベートカスタムツアーを予約して、ツアーバスの大半がその車両の大きさにより立ち入ることのできないような、素晴らしい名所を訪れましょう。見所がギュッと詰まったこのツアーでは、水しぶきを上げる壮大な滝や花崗岩ドーム、辺り一面を覆うジャイアントセコイアをはじめ、ヨセミテのあらゆる名所を訪れます。クマやシカ、コヨーテなどの野生動物にさえ出会えるかもしれません!
Golden Horizon Travelでは、唯一、高級車で移動するサンフランシスコ(またはあらゆる途中のスポット)発ヨセミテ国立公園プライベートツアーを毎日開催しています。お客様お一人おひとりに優れたサービスをご提供しており、その結果、トリップアドバイザーで数多くの5つ星評価を獲得しています。弊社のヨセミテ・プライベートツアーは、一生に一度のアドベンチャーで、数々の新しい思い出を胸に帰路につかれることでしょう。他社が提供しているバスツアーや大型バンツアーは安価かもしれませんが、ことわざの通り「支払った代金に見合ったものしか得られません!」弊社のプライベート高級車ツアーでは、広々とした高級車で移動しながら、他の観光客に気を使うことなく、ヨセミテの見所をすべて見学できるので、代金分の価値はあります。また、訪れたいスポットや体験したいアクティビティーに合わせて、ツアーをカスタマイズさえできます!知識が豊富で情熱あふれる優秀な専属ドライバー/ガイドが、迫力満点で魅力のあるツアーを作り上げます!
Golden Horizon Travelのウェブサイトには、ツアー中に訪れる名所や体験するアクティビティーをすべて知っていただくために、詳細な情報が掲載されています。そのため、ツアーを通じて何を楽しめ、何を学べるかが正確にわかります!あらゆるツアー内容をこれほど詳細に明示しているツアー会社は他にありません。弊社は、お客様にヨセミテツアーで訪れる名所や味わう体験について正確にご理解いただくことが大切であると信じています。
他のツアー会社では、ツアー時間を延長すると追加料金が発生しますが、弊社では、必要に応じて無料でツアーを延長することが多くあります!トリップアドバイザーで獲得している5つ星評価をご覧いただけば、 弊社のプライベートカスタムツアーに参加されたお客様がどれほど満足されているかがはっきりとおわかりいただけます!弊社は、お客様よりお寄せいただいた評価を誇りに思っています。これは弊社の努力の賜物です!

- ジャイアントセコイアが並ぶマリポサグローブの観光は、この日帰りツアーには含まれていません。マリポサグローブは、改修工事のため、今後2、3年間(2017年後半まで)閉鎖されています。この改修工事により、ジャイアントセコイアの生息地や湿地などの生態系の過程が復元されてマリポサグローブの回復力が高まり、見学を通じて全体的により素晴らしい体験ができるようになります。
重要事項: マリポサグローブの閉鎖に伴い、弊社は、セコイア国立公園とヨセミテ国立公園の観光を組み合わせたカスタムアドベンチャーを新たに作りました。ヨセミテにはわずかなジャイアントセコイアが残るのみで、ここを散策するのは困難なうえに、マリポサグローブが閉鎖されていることから非常に混雑しています。そのため、この新しいアドベンチャーで、ごくわずかなジャイアントセコイアではなく、数多くのジャイアントセコイアを見学されることを非常にお勧めします。セコイア国立公園には、ヨセミテでは見られない樹齢3,000年のジャイアントセコイアが生息していて、お好きなだけ散策できます。また、散策が困難な方は、高級4X4車でジャイアントセコイアの間を移動可能です。


  • サンフランシスコまたはヨセミテおよび周辺のホテルに無料でお迎え
  • セントラルバレー経由でヨセミテへ
  • セントラルバレーで休憩: "世界のフルーツバスケット"
  • 後半: シエラネバダ山脈経由でヨセミテ渓谷へ
  • シエラネバダ– ヨセミテ渓谷の谷底の風景と自然の驚異を発見
  • ヨセミテ渓谷の名所を散策
  • ヨセミテ滝でランチ休憩: 北米で最も高い滝またはアワニー
  • オプションでトゥオルミまたはマーセドグローブにあるヨセミテのジャイアントセコイアの森を散策(時間が許せば)
  • サンフランシスコへ – 終わり良ければすべて良し!

6:00 お迎え

ヨセミテツアーでは、サンフランシスコを出発してハイウェイ580号線を通ってサンホアキンバレーへと向かい、地元の人からトライバレーと呼ばれているアマドール、リバモア、サンラモンバレーをドライブし、アルタモント・パスを通過します。アルタモント・パスは、ディアブロ山脈の狭い開口部を極度の風が通り抜けていることから、世界最古かつ最大の風力タービンの密集地のひとつです。また、悪魔の山としても知られるディアロブ山も見えます。この山の名前は、1805年に付近の柳の茂みで、アメリカ先住民チャプカン族がスペイン人から逃れて消えたように見えたことから、スペイン兵士により「Monte del Diablo(悪魔の茂み)」と呼ばれたことに由来します。その後、セントラルバレーと呼ばれるサンホアキンバレーを通り、カリフォルニア導水路を過ぎます。カリフォルニア導水路は、運河およびトンネルかつパイプラインシステムで、シエラネバダ山脈や北および中央カリフォルニアの谷から集めた水を南カリフォルニアに供給しています。

セントラルバレーでコーヒーブレイク: "世界のフルーツバスケット"          

後半: シエラネバダ山脈経由でヨセミテ渓谷へ          
ハイウェイ140号線または120号線をドライブしながら、ゴールドラッシュ時代に金塊が発見されたゴールドカントリー を通り、古い鉱山の町チャイニーズキャンプを通過します。ここには、かつてゴールドラッシュ時代に金を求めてやって来た5,000人以上の中国人が住んでいました。この地域をドライブしながら、ツアーガイドがゴールドラッシュについて詳しく解説します。また、ヨセミテ国立公園から75マイル離れた所にあるドンペドロ湖に立ち寄り、写真撮影することもできます。ドンペドロ湖は、シエラネバダ山脈の麓にある巨大な人口湖で、海岸線160マイルにわたり広がっています。

シエラネバダ– ヨセミテ渓谷          


ヨセミテ滝でランチ休憩: 北米で最も高い滝          


サンフランシスコへ – 終わり良ければすべて良し!      

セントラルバレーに立ち寄り一休みしながら、サンフランシスコのホテルへと戻ります。Golden Horizon Toursをお選びいただきありがとうございます。これほど長い1日を情熱を持って懸命にドライブおよびガイドするツアーガイドはごくわずかです。Golden Horizon にこうした献身的なツアーガイドがいることを非常に幸運だと思っています!安全性に配慮しつつ、訪れる先々で歴史をご紹介しながらヨセミテ国立公園をご案内いたします。こうした努力に対して、ぜひ労いのチップを渡してあげてください




一人あたりの値段 1 名 2 名 3 名 4 名 5 名 6 名 7 名
Hotel Accommodation Excluded $1198 $599 $399 $299 $249 $215 $185
一人あたりの値段 1 名 2 名 3 名 4 名 5 名 6 名 7 名
Hotel Accommodation Excluded $1198 $599 $399 $299 $249 $215 $185

このツアーを予約する (SUV)



Total $ USD




Price per group 1-5 名 6-7 名 8-10 名 11-12 名 13-14 名
Hotel Accommodation Excluded $1859 $2029 $2289 $2369 $2559
Price per group 1-5 名 6-7 名 8-10 名 11-12 名 13-14 名
Hotel Accommodation Excluded $1859 $2029 $2289 $2369 $2559

このツアーを予約する VAN/14 名大型バン (ミニバス)



Total $ USD

含まれているもの: 税金、サンフランシスコ・ダウンタウンまたはフィッシャーマンズワーフへの送り迎え、1日間のガイド付きプライベートツアー 、ヨセミテ国立公園の入場料(ツアー料金には$125まで含まれています)、


含まれていないもの: 食事代、ドライバーへのチップ、時間外およびオプションのアクティビティーまたは観光



スケジュールされたツアー(またはツアーまたはサービスの日付)の少なくとも15営業日前に旅行をキャンセルした場合、合計金額の-91%がクレジットカードに払い戻されます。残りの9%は必要な取引手数料をカバーしています。それは各トランザクションにつき4.5%です(予約は1つのトランザクションであり、払い戻しは我々が同様に請求される2番目のトランザクションです)。 (週末や休日はカウントされません)。

ツアーがスケジュールされたツアー日またはサービスの少なくとも7営業日前にキャンセルされた場合、合計金額の-50%が返金されます。 (週末や休日はカウントされません)。





Read Some of our Latest Authentic Yosemite National Park Tour Reviews, Lake Tahoe and Mammoth Lakes Trusted Testimonials

*****Our goal is to exceed your expectations *****

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Our Bucket List Overflowed

Our Bucket List Overflowed, a wonderful day in an amazing park with the perfect tour guide!

Katheryn Kennedy - London, UK

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Breathtaking adventure in Yosemite Wonderland

Breathtaking adventure in Yosemite Wonderland. We found this company on Trip Advisor & we were not disappointed!

The Jamesons. Sydney, Australia

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The best experience ever!

A wonderful tour package in Yosemite National Park with Adam. This tour has totally exceeded expectations! The best experience ever!

Erin M. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

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Unforgettable & Fantastic!

Unforgettable & Fantastic! trust their reviews and believe what you read on Trip Advisor; they are consumed professionals.

Chris G., Dallas, Texas

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How can you rate beauty ?

Explore nature at its best ! Yosemite is magical, unique and must be on everyone’s bucket-list. Golden Horizon Travel staff and tour guides are underrated.


Chicago, Illinois

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Just Magnificent & Just Stunning!

Yosemite National Park and Sierra Nevada beauty exceed our expectations. This place is breathtaking but avoid the peak season and stay away from the Yosemite Valley . 5-stars to our tour guide Adam, he made this journey unforgettable. He is an expert photographer too!

M. Hachadourian. Greenwich Village, New York

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Fun, informative & very professional

10 Stars! Fun, informative, flexible, indulgent, patient,& very professional guides in a warm & engaging manner.

Jarmila Sramkova. Prague, Czech Republic

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Yosemite is Magical and Majestic!

Believe every good thing you read about this tour company; you will not be disappointed!

Mike and Jane - Nashville

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Treated like King & Queen!

Treated like King & Queen! Breathtaking, OUTSTANDING and A MUST See!! Without any hesitation, 5 stars!

Loreena’s family Madrid, Spain

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They are consummate professionals

They are consummate professionals who really care a lot for their customers' wellbeing and experience- a must do!

Rob & Marhta Baton Rouge

Tours_reviews_Lake_Tahoe_Activity_trip_advisor Tours_reviews_Lake_Tahoe_Activity_trip_advisor

Unforgettable experience!

Impressive! Their Ability of organization, understanding , customizing , entertaining , educating - make them the best at what they do. What unforgettable experience with Buddy!

Natasha C Calgary, Canada

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Outstanding bucket-list destination!

Outstanding tour package to Yosemite ,Mammoth Lakes , Sequoia national park & Death Valley with Adam and Jonathan . I've run out of superlatives to describe this unforgettable and once-in-a-lifetime experience ...10 STARS + & Highly Recommended

Holly Millard- Holly Millard, IN

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"Stop reading reviews and book with Golden Horizon!"

You won't be disappointed if you use Golden Horizon for all your tours! Top notch service!

Susan.S- McAllen, Texas

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Top-Notch VIP Service!"

A 6-star experience! Their tag line is to “exceed expectations” and they certainly delivered. From the moment of making a booking to the actual tours - Superb!


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10 Stars for Patricia & Golden Horizon: top guides & top-of-the-line luxury SUV tours

Brenna Q. Phoenixville

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"Golden Horizon is Truly Golden!"

10 stars! Reliable company, responsive staff & accommodating, fun, informative, flexible, indulgent, passionate guides

Kw9196family- Thurmont, Maryland

I'm a real customer and not some PR guy writing this review!


First, I'd like to say I'm a real customer and not some PR guy writing this review. I'm writing this because I believe good service should be made aware to others who are looking for an unforgettable experience just as I was last week. To save on search time, I figured I'd write a review on my experience with golden horizon travel. I just came back from an amazing Yosemite Tour and I just have to say, our tour guide Adam was not only very knowledge but also super accommodating. When I was evaluating different tours, my priorities were to make the tour as comfortable as possible which meant I wanted a tour that was :

-small, comfortable means to accommodate my motion sickness (winding roads really mess me up)

-an SUV tour (only 3 tour companies offer SUV tours in San Francisco to Yosemite)

-see the Sequoia Trees (most tours do not offer sequoia tree viewings as part of their tours)

-a very knowledgeable and well-rounded tour guide.

-1-day tour... because we were just in town for Memorial Day weekend.

-hotel pickup. I didn't want to go around looking for a meet up point when visiting a city for the first time

- knows where their drivers are and their scheduling. I've called 3 other tour companies prior to this and learned a lot of tour companies just broker out their tours to other big tour companies. A lot of them didn't know what dates or what kind of cars we would be getting. There was another company that offered 4 door jeeps but riding those in a prior experience was beyond rough.


- was responsive to all our questions and wasn't condescending to whatever question we asked about the tour.

Well my girlfriend and I found all this with our tour guide adam not only stopped at a grocery store prior to arriving at the park to save on food for the hike (park prices are astronomical) but he also went as far as giving me the coat off his back to combat my cold and headache condition as a result of my car motion sickness on the way up. The weather conditions this memorial day weekend were rainy and despite how much we were a little bummed because it was cold and rainy, his spirits were up and still tailored on the fly which sites we still could see and better shortcuts to get there to avoid the major crowds.


By the afternoon, the crowd at Yosemite was insane and the 2 lane roads were all backed up in most cases, but Adam always seemed to know where to turn to avoid it. I was particularly impressed that he knew how to combat the areas where there was construction going on and how to get out of a backed-up situation so quickly to get to where we're going instead of wasting time waiting in traffic. We got to see Bridal Falls, Yosemite Falls, El Capitan, and a bunch of other places which I don't remember names of. now that I'm home and thoroughly exhausted from the tour ( which was just 2 days ago), my girlfriend and I were very happy we went and would more than likely book the tour again when we make it back to Yosemite. This time around it will probably be more than one day. Not knowing how many places there are to visit and hike in Yosemite...one day just isn't enough and there is something to be said about having a tour guide to show you around the in's and outs and knowing the key places to see most tours don't cover is a definite bonus especially for first timers like us.

I hope this helps others in their search for a tour.

Good luck,

Phillip Kuo

Houston, Texas A

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“Alcatraz, Lake Tahoe & Yosemite tour experience from San Francisco!”

What an amazing trip around the entire Lake Tahoe after a 2-hour tour of Alcatraz Island and 4 hours’ drive from San Francisco. I know this is not the ordinary combo tour, but we booked the overnight trip package to South Lake Tahoe combined with a tour package of Yosemite National park, so we can squeeze in the tour of Alcatraz as well, since my kids wanted to see it so badly. My wife, mother in law and my kids loved the snowmobile guided adventure with Alex in Lake Tahoe high country. We enjoyed a thrilling ride throughout Tahoe forest and heavy snow. The stops and vistas along the way were breathtaking, what a peaceful and wonderful destination. Our custom adventure of Yosemite national park sights and attractions was the best trip ever! Go to Yosemite either before Traveling during the off-peak season was the prefect deal for my family, the parks we visited were less crowded; we got cheaper flights, and better hotels in Lake Tahoe and Yosemite.

Chris G., Dallas, Texas

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Amazing travel package to Lake Tahoe combined with Yosemite National Park

We booked a tour package to Lake Tahoe combined with a trip to Yosemite National Park, starting in Napa Valley and ending in San Francisco. On day one, Adam came to pick us up at San Francisco International Airport and dropped us off at our hotel in downtown Napa Valley (Andaz Napa by the Hyatt). The next day, we had a private tour of Napa Valley with Adam, where we visited small wineries, including some castle wineries, and had lunch at the Auberge Du Soleil restaurant in Napa. We had a fantastic day in Napa Valley wine country.

On day 3, our tour guide Jonathan picked us up at our hotel in Napa Valley and drove us to Lake Tahoe. Jon was very friendly, informative and highly knowledgeable. We enjoyed the stops he made for us in the Gold Country and in Lake Tahoe, where we had a custom sightseeing tour around the lake. We loved the stop and walking tour to Emerald Bay state park.

This journey in the Sierra exceeded our expectations- what a marvelous place! Our hotel accommodation was in a casino resort style hotel in South Lake Tahoe. The resort has all the amenities and offer plenty of shows and nightlife. The rooms were large and comfortable, with views of the lake. Don’t miss out on the gorgeous sunset over Lake Tahoe.

The next day, we had ski lessons at Heavenly Ski Resort, and then had an exciting snowmobile adventure in the white snowy mountains of the Sierra Nevada. The views of Lake Tahoe from the High Country are breathtaking!

Yosemite on the other hands, is a true wonderland and a magical place. This is where we spent the last 3 days of our travel package to California. I highly recommend this tour package with Golden Horizon Travel to everyone, and specially to families with kids like ours (for spring breaks or holidays). My kids loved it, and my husband and I had a wonderful time.

Alex / Adeline Seah- Singapore

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About our Lake Tahoe day trip from San Jose, California

We were a group of 7 travelers from Hong Kong on a business trip to San Jose, California. We booked this private day trip to Lake Tahoe with Golden Horizon Travel in San Francisco and San Jose, and we were not disappointed. We were so excited to play with the snow up at Heavenly Ski Resort, and the views are amazing over the lake from heavenly gondola overlook. We highly recommended this day trip to Tahoe. But if you have time, go for the overnight trip package, which is better because of the long drive from San Francisco. It took us more than 4 hours each way without traffic!

James Wang, Hong Kong

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“Pure professionals and a memorable Tahoe -Yosemite combo tour experience”

One of the hardest things to do when trying to book excursions in California from overseas, is being able to trust unknown tour companies in California. After investigating many trip options in the San Francisco Bay Area, considering the costs and reading tour reviews on Trip Advisor, we chose a tour company trusted over many years. We booked two incredible and separate excursions with this travel company based upon older great reviews and friends’ recommendations. We booked the trip from San Francisco to Yosemite National Park, spent a night in the Yosemite Valley and then the next day we traveled to Lake Tahoe through the Tuolumne meadows - a land of wonders in every sense of the word.

We got to Lake Tahoe in the late afternoon and spent the night and extra day in Lake Tahoe south shore. The lake is picturesque and the cruise ship we took on the lake allowed us to get close to many state parks and beaches not accessible otherwise to vehicles. We highly recommended this travel agency in San Francisco, you will not be disappointed.

Naina Kwok- Jakarta- Indonesia

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“Yosemite and Lake Tahoe full experience - excellent service and A 5-star private custom tour”

Our 3-day private tour to Lake Tahoe, Gold Country and Yosemite National Park was excellent and so was our guide Peter. He has immense knowledge of the Sierra and Lake Tahoe. He made stops along the way in Sacramento, Placerville, Lake Tahoe, and Reno in Nevada where we spent one night. Our 2-day trip to Tahoe and Reno were a bit short due to the driving time... but our last day in Yosemite was our favorite part of this outdoor adventure. Yosemite is a must-see place to explore with a real tour guide like our personal guide Pete. He didn’t disappoint us. We will certainly use this tour company again; a 5-star service all the way!

Nicky & BannySh. Kolkata (Calcutta), India

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“Increible Vacación e innolvidable experiencia en Lake Tahoe y Reno!!”

Both our tours of Muir Woods and Point Reyes national seashores, combined with a horseback ride, were amazing and unforgettable thanks to our guide Luis. Both trips were totally customized to me and my family. The horseback ride was exciting, and Point Reyes national seashore sights are spectacular. Our adventure to Lake Tahoe and Reno, on the other hand, was a very long trip. It took us almost 5 hours to get to Reno from San Francisco. I wish I knew how far this was, but we still had a great time in both Reno and Tahoe. The next day, after the tour, we were dropped off at Sacramento Airport. Thank you, Nellie, for your help and patience during our booking process. You guys rock.

Gabriela & Oscar Reyes, Lima, Peru

Original review poste don trip advisor in Spanish:

“Increíble Vacaciones e inolvidable experiencia en Lago Tahoe y Reno!
Los dos tours que reservamos con esta empresa fueron el combo Parque de Muir Woods y Reserva de Point Reyes con un paseo a caballo fue maravillo e inolvidable gracias a nuestro guía Luis. Ambas excursiones fueron personalizadas para nosotros. Mi hijo de 13 años le encantó. La cabalgata fue divertida y la reserva de Point Reyes fue espectacular.

Por otro lado, nuestra aventura para visitar Lago Tahoe y Reno fue un día largo, nos tomó 5 horas en llegar a Reno saliendo desde San Francisco, que lástima que no teníamos más días para quedarnos más tiempo, pero definitivamente la pasamos genial tanto en Reno como en Tahoe. Al día siguiente volamos a casa desde el aeropuerto de Sacramento. Muchas gracias, Nellie por toda tu ayuda y tu paciencia durante nuestro proceso de reserva. Chicos son lo máximo...! muchas gracias!

Gabriela & Oscar Reyes, Lima, Perú

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“Lake Tahoe sights and attractions are stunning and spectacular!”

Lake Tahoe is the best of the West Coast of both Nevada and California sides. Even if you’re not a fan of the outdoors activities, Lake Tahoe is well worth the long drive from San Francisco. This is must-see destination with remarkable places to please everyone. Tahoe is such a special place; I recommend it to everybody who likes nature.
We also booked Yosemite day trip with tour company, was a very long day trip but worth it.

Martha Frierrs and Family, Alabama

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"Lake Tahoe and Yosemite: must-see places when visiting California"

Lake Tahoe region is one of the must-see places in California with an array of activities for both summer and winter. We loved it, and our kids already want to go back there. They took ski lessons and fell in love with Heavenly Ski Resort in South Lake Tahoe area. We would like to visit Tahoe in the summer as well, as I am sure it will look great; all green after the snow season. Don’t miss out on Emerald Bay during your stay - it’s beautiful. We can check that off our bucket list now-awesome):-

Jimmy & family -Belize

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“Tahoe is a wonderful place and Yosemite is bucket-list destination”

We spent too much time in Southern California (in Los Angeles) during our last trip to California. But San Francisco Bay Area is way better and has so much to offer visitors. We did a half-day sightseeing tour of the city in Spanish, and then we head east to Lake Tahoe. The Lake is pristine, wonderful and so clean, the air was fresh and pure with magnificent surroundings. The hotel, booked for us by the company, was clean and well-located close to major attractions.

Our tour guide, Guillermo, was awesome - a very friendly and funny guy. Try to avoid school holidays as some places were a bit crowded, but there is no traffic once you get to the lake. As for trip to Yosemite, this was a once-in-a-lifetime vacation and a unique experience, you got to visit Yosemite and see it with your own eyes.

Lucia & Rogelio Mérida-Mexico

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"Epic family rafting adventure on the American River combined with Lake Tahoe!"

My family and I signed up for this Lake Tahoe and Whitewater Rafting combo adventure. We started off with the rafting experience, which offered incredible thrill rides on the south fork of the American River. We got a bit scared at some of the rapids, but we managed and had a blast. That was the highlight our 2-day tour package with Golden Horizon Travel They provided us with lots of info beforehand and all necessary equipment required for the trip, so we felt properly prepared and safe for the rafting adventure. The rapids are exciting, challenging and thrilling, and our guide was competent and fun. The Lake Tahoe guided tour was fun, and the alpine vistas are stunning. Overall, an exciting family adventure, with lots of fun, and the best trip so far with our kids.

Alice & Ian Rich, Calgary, Canada

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“Absolutely the Perfect Private tour we needed to Lake Tahoe from San Francisco”

Our tour guide-driver, Pat, was the best! She was prompt, and very knowledgeable about the areas we drove through, from the San Francisco Bay area to Lake Tahoe. A beautiful SUV too, and very comfortable! I was nervous at first to book, as it was a little pricey, but it is well worth every single penny!! Trust me. We would definitely use this tour company in our future visits to San Francisco and Yosemite! Tahoe was another beautiful place we would have missed. My kids loved tubbing and sledding in Lake Tahoe meadows. Thank you, guys and good job!!

Gina W. Johnson. Wausau, Wisconsin

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An authentic and outstanding Lake Tahoe and Yosemite adventure

From the moment we contacted Golden Horizon Travel via their live chat online, to the tour itself, the booking process and the high level of customer services and dedicated attention, everything went just perfect. They are true professionals and pay a lot of attention to detail. They responded promptly to all of our inquiries and questions, even late at night. As for the tour package, private tours and hikes we took with our passionate and fun tour guide Adam, we enjoyed every single minute of it in the High Sierra Nevada wilderness. Yosemite National Park is a magical place with unique biology and geology. We even had a close-up encounter with a bear by the giant sequoias in Mariposa Grove. While Taft point and Glacier point are a must-see, don’t miss out on Tioga road through the Tuolumne Meadows area. We stopped at the Mono lake visitor center on the way to Lake Tahoe, and that was quite interesting with all these so-called tufa towers in the middle of the lake. Lake Tahoe is another wonderland of the Sierra, with a wide array of outdoor attractions. We were a bit tired, but luckily the 4x4 SUV allowed us to gain access to places where large vehicles are not allowed, so this saved us a lot of hiking. Highly recommended

Julius Ramesh Goodwood Park, Trinidad

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Dream vacation to California top attractions: Tahoe, Yosemite, Sierra and Mammoth Lakes

My wife and I want you to know how much we enjoyed our time with you and how much we regret the distance that separates us. Adam was so welcoming and so generous in carrying oBook This Toun with our trip when the two American ladies withdrew at the last moment. Adam's passion for Yosemite and his educated and deeply-researched knowledge of the area, its geography, geology, trees and animals gave us insights, views and opportunities that made us feel less like tourists and more like students Most of all, we loved travelling with your company. We hope that both enjoyed the outing as much as we did. I started out thinking that Adam had taken us to "photographers' Heaven" but with so many subjects and such vast scenery to photograph and my cameras being so inadequate, it was frustrating not to have the skills and equipment to capture the beauty and scale of Yosemite, Mammoth Lakes and Tahoe. However, even better than photos are the vivid memories that we have brought home with us from the wonderful times we had in Lake Tahoe, Eastern Sierra and Yosemite National Park. I have some photos to send to you when I have finished editing and sorting. We thought that San Francisco was a great city and would love to return. We will return soon to go to Big Sur and Hearst Castle, or to the redwood national park area, and hope to visit this amazing place with your guide. Thank you for your company and kindness. If you ever have a chance to travel to Australia, please let us know so that we can attempt to return some of your hospitality. We hope that we can meet again. In the meantime, we are telling all our friends not to visit California without booking a trip with Golden Horizon Travel.

Yours sincerely Bob and Faith Australia

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Our day trips to Yosemite and Lake Tahoe from Silicon Valley

We booked the day trip to Lake Tahoe from Palo Alto in Silicon Valley while visiting the area for business purposes, my son and I had a fantastic time with our Japanese tour guide Hiro in south lake Tahoe. We also booked a sperate day trip to Yosemite Valley, that was a long day drive from san Francisco bay area, but we had lot of fun in Yosemite Valley.

Thank you

Hisato K.

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Awesome ski trip to Lake Tahoe from San Francisco

While visiting friends of mine in San Francisco, we decided to book this one-day trip to Tahoe with golden horizon tours, and we were not disappointed. Our tour guide Adam picked up the prefect ski resort for us; Squaw Valley (the Olympic Valley) and Alpine Meadows, they are now one ski resort with massive and beautiful terrain, quality snow, and friendly staff. This is our favorite place in lake Tahoe for skiing. As soon as we got off the Squaw Valley Aerial Tram (cable car), we fell in love with mastic and panoramic views of Lake Tahoe from this stunning overlook. From easy slopes to challenging bowls, there's something for the entire family, this is an awesome place for young and the elders even without skiing. Our driver Adam is also an expert skier which made it more fun as he knows very well both ski resorts (Squaw Valley and Alpine Meadows).

Juan Sandoval and friends Santiago, Chile






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    6 つ星をあげたい!期待を上回るというふれ込みでしたが、確かにその通りでした。予約の段階から実際のツアーまで、素晴らしい体験でした!

    Superdin0 (シンガポール),

  • シリコンバレーからヨセミテやレイクタホへの旅行


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  • 手配の行き届いたレイクタホへのビジネストリップ



  • タホはずっと行ってみたかったバケーション先でした



  • レイクタホは美しくて壮大!



  • レイクタホとレノでの素晴らしい時間

    サンフランシスコからレイクタホとレノを訪れましたが、Golden Horizon Travelの親切なスタッフとツアーガイドのおかげで、忘れられない素敵な旅になりました。


  • ヨセミテ&タホでの 5 つ星体験

    私たちは 3 日間の貸切ツアーで、レイクタホの名所、ゴールドカウンティー、そしてヨセミテ国立公園の人気スポットを訪れましたが、素晴らしいツアーでした。ワクワクする体験が多く、良い思い出になりました!


  • レイクタホとヨセミテのツアー

    ヨセミテ国立公園の観光名所を 3 日間のカスタムツアーで回った後にレイクタホを訪れる素晴らしい旅でした。本当に素敵な場所です。

    クリス・G(テキサス州ダラス) ,

  • 思い出に残るタホとヨセミテのコンボツアー

    トリップアドバイザーでのツアーレビューが 100 %なのを信じてください。親切なカスタマーサービスと素晴らしいツアーガイドで、私たちは満足させてもらいました。


  • タホ、ヨセミテ、マンモスレイクでの夢のようなバケーション



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        サンフランシスコに焦点を当て 2004
    •  100%の輝かしい評価:TripAdvisor、BBB + A を含め、各所で素晴らしいフィードバックをいただいております。
    •   100%の安心:簡単に予約できる心配無用なパッケージツアー
    •  100%の信頼:ライセンスを得て、地元に根付いたビジネスを行う 2004 年創業のツアー会社です。
    •  100% の自由:ツアーはご希望に合わせて自由にカスタマイズすることができます
    •  独自の行程で、一生の思い出に残る 5 つ星の体験が保証されます。
    •  ハイレベルな一流のサービス:提示されている以外の料金は発生せず、ご満足いただけることを保証いたします。
    •  格別のカスタマーサービスを常にご利用いただけます。
    •  素晴らしい受賞歴:TripAdvisor、BBB A+ Rating、Gold Award of Business Credibility Trust + SF Travel & Convention Bureau Award など
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    •  豪華な車で、ご自分のペースに合わせて、どこでも行きたい所へ行けます。
    •  特別な VIP クライアントにも対応:最上級のカスタマイズ旅行にも対応できる専門性があります。
    •  最新テクノロジー:安全なウェブサイト+安全かつ暗号化されたショッピングカート












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